Online Resource Creation

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Creating Amazing Interactive Resources With H5P

I've tried various tools for creating interactive learning resources, but one truly shines: H5P (HTML5 Package). Here's why it might be exactly what you're looking for:

Effortless Creation: No coding required! Build engaging activities with a user-friendly interface, even if you're not tech-savvy.

Limitless Possibilities: Unleash your creativity! H5P supports a wide range of activities, from interactive quizzes and timelines to gamified simulations and more.

Time-Saving Feedback: Let H5P handle the grading! It automatically assesses learners' work, providing instant feedback and saving you precious time.

Seamless Integration: All results are stored within your existing LMS (Learning Management System). Review and provide feedback at your convenience, directly within your familiar platform.

Curious to see what H5P can do? Let's explore its features and see how H5P can transform your teaching! Below I have included explanations behind my favourite H5P activities including working examples for you to try. 

H5P.Org Free Trial account LINK

Documentation Tool 

The H5P Documentation Tool is a powerful and versatile resource for tutors. It allows you to:

Imagine this: Your learners are tasked with recording a salon activity using their own phones or college devices. With a QR code leading to the Documentation Tool, they can easily complete the task, submit their recordings directly, and avoid the hassle of managing separate files or dealing with lost paperwork.

Instructional tutorial on how to create an activity using the Documentation tool  LINK  

Drag & Drop

H5P's drag and drop activity offers a versatile tool for creating engaging interactive learning experiences. Learners enjoy using them and often return to an activity to improve their score! Here are some examples of how it can be used: -

These examples demonstrate the flexibility of H5P's drag and drop activity. By leveraging its various configurations, tutors can design interactive and informative learning experiences for diverse subjects and learning objectives.

Interactive Book 

This is the perfect tool to create dynamic, multi-resource learning experiences. Keep it bite-sized for maximum impact - limit your book to 5 pages, ideal for single-session activities. Learners can dive in and enjoy a complete, interactive journey without stopping halfway.

Here's how you can use H5P activities to craft compelling interactive books:

Tip: H5P interactive books provide a versatile platform to cater to different learning styles and preferences. Experiment with various activity combinations to create engaging and effective learning experiences for your learners.


H5P Flashcards offer a powerful tool to help your learners master terminology:

Here's how it works:

This interactive approach helps your learners not only remember key terms but also solidify their understanding of their meaning and application in the correct context.

Image Choice 

H5P Image Choice is a fantastic tool for creating interactive quizzes that test your learners' visual recognition and knowledge. Here's how it works:



You can use H5P Image Choice to create a quiz that asks learners to:

The possibilities are endless! With H5P Image Choice, you can create effective and engaging assessments that cater to visual learners and reinforce core hairdressing knowledge.

Memory Game

H5P's Memory Game is a fantastic tool for solidifying learning in a fun and interactive way. Here's why it's perfect for learners:

Here are some engaging ideas for matching content:

These are just a few examples – the possibilities for reinforcing learning with H5P's Memory Game are endless!

Image Sequencing

H5P Image Sequencing is more than just putting pictures in order. It's a powerful tool that transforms static images into interactive learning experiences for your learners.

Beyond the Basics:

While the core function involves arranging a set of images in the correct sequence (with the order randomised for each attempt) and tracking time and moves for a touch of friendly competition, H5P Image Sequencing unlocks a world of creative possibilities:

Step into the Salon Experience:

Engage Your Learners:


These are just a few sparks to ignite your imagination. With H5P Image Sequencing, the possibilities for engaging and effective learning in education are limitless!

Sort the Paragraphs 

H5P Sort the Paragraph empowers you to create engaging activities that test your learners' ability to sequence information. Here's how it works:


Example Usage:

H5P Sort the Paragraph provides an interactive and engaging way to reinforce crucial sequencing skills in hairdressing education.

Game Map

Engage Learners with Interactive Journeys: Introducing H5P Game Map

H5P Game Map goes beyond traditional quizzes and games by offering a captivating, multi-activity experience. Imagine creating a learning adventure where learners progress through a activity, tackling diverse challenges you design.

Key Features:

Beyond Simple Quizzes:

While H5P Game Map requires some time investment for creation, it offers a significant advantage over traditional quizzes. By incorporating various activities and a game-like structure, you can transform learning into an engaging and interactive journey that keeps learners motivated and fosters deeper understanding.

H5P Quizzes

H5P quizzes can be a powerful tool for tutors to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. Here's how you can use them effectively:

By incorporating H5P quizzes into your teaching routine, you can create a more engaging and interactive learning environment for your hairdressing learners.

And there is still more!


Crossword: - Create a crossword puzzle.

Word Search: - Generate a word search where the words are moved on each attempt.

Chart: - Quickly generate bar and pie charts.

Collage: - Create a collage of multiple images.

Course Presentation: - Create a presentation with interactive slides.

Interactive Video: - Create videos enriched with interactions.

Image Hotspots: - Create an image with multiple info hotspots.

Audio: - Upload an audio recording.

Image Slider: - Easily create an Image Slider.

Dictation: - Create a dictation with instant feedback.

Branching Scenario: - Create dilemmas and self-paced learning.

Virtual Tour (360): - Create 360 environments with interactions.

KewAr Code: - Create QR codes for different purposes.

Cornell Notes: - Take notes using the Cornell system.

Structure Strip: - Interactive structure strip.

Word Cloud: - Create a poll where users type in or select a response.

Emoji Cloud: - Create a poll where users select an emoji as a response.

Multiple: - Create a poll for feedback or debate.