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Wall Art Posters with QR codes leading to all of the styling interactive auto-marked activities
Select this link to download. Then place these bright eye-catching posters where learners have easy access and let the fun begin!

PDF and PowerPoint games to download and play

Rolling Q&A Cards (PDF) Download: Print: Laminate: Cut. How to play. Link to game

Practical styling work cards. Download: Print: Laminate: Cut. Link to activity

Hair up sequence exercises. Download: Print: Laminate: Cut. Link to activity

Card Matching Activity. (PDF) Download: Print: Laminate: Cut. Link to cards
Sequence exercise & work card guidance
Sequence Exercises
I have included 4 sequence exercises. To complete these tasks, I would put my learners into 4 groups. Then each group is given a different set of cards. The aim is to be the first group to correctly order their sequence and write on the last card what type of style they have just identified.
To help me quickly identify if a group has put all cards in the correct order, I have put a key (only none to myself) on each exercise. One letter or a - is placed on each card. When the cards are placed in the correct order the word is revealed.
Looks-good = Bridle plait
-Excellent = Rope plait
-Well-done = French pleat
-Brilliant = Corn rows
Work Cards
These practical work cards have been created to encourage learners to practice their setting and blow-drying skills on a hairdressing block. Each learner would choose which skill they would like to improve on and take that card. Each learner would gain a mark out of 10 for the correct placement and tension of rollers, when carrying out a set. (not the finished dress out) I would class a mark of 8 as a pass i.e. that skill would not need to be practiced anymore and the learner could move onto another work card.
These cards were also a good way to identify who was ready for the next step. A client.